Every person has a fear so deep, they can't tell anyone about it. But these tend to be illogical, impossible or improbable. These are connected to our strengths, and this, my friends, is the basis of our story.Our characters are superheroes. They became what they are after a freak accident involving a car, a tree, and a whole lot of explosions. A car, rigged with bombs, crashed into a tree and set off the bombs. Our heroes are the ones who walked through the flames. They did not come out uninjured, but they survived the flames.
Then, one day, their fears began terrorising the earth. Each hero saw only their own greatest fear, and could not impact on the others. They could see the damage caused, but not what was causing it. They could still be killed by these invisible fears. However, they could co-operate and figure out how to beat them.
They also each had a power that could help them beat their fear. This related to their strength.
But not all fears can be beaten, and the earth is not indestructible. Our heroes are mortal, with flaws that could destroy them. However, the earth is strong. Our heroes have good sides as well, with strengths that can impact on their world. They were the ones chosen.
I need four girls and three guys, ideally. But evem if I had one more guy and two more girls, I would be happy. Here are the existing characters to give you a taste of what they're like. To be honest, I need one or two lighthearted characters to balance it out.
Played by iCat
My Name Is: Valora Lowe
I Am This Old: 16
This Is My Greatest Fear And How It Works: Demons
I am terrified of demons. They manifest wherever and whenever I am not expecting them to, and they manifest when I expect them. They attack me and only me. Nobody else is affected by their claws. Most of the time I feel the pain of the attack but am not injured by it.
This Is My Strength And How It Works: Soundwaves
I can manipulate a mental speakers and the soundwaves can knock away the demons.
I Look Like This:

Here Are Some Lyrics About Me: Turn It Off- Paramore
I scraped my knees while I was praying
And found a demon in my safest haven
Seems like it's getting harder to believe in anything
Than just to get lost in all my selfish thoughts
I wanna know what it'd be like
To find perfection in my pride
To see nothing in the light
I'll turn it off, in all my spite
In all my spite, I'll turn it off
And the worst part is
Before it gets any better
We're headed for a cliff
And in the free fall
I will realize I'm better off
When I hit the bottom
The tragedy, it seems unending
I'm watching everyone I looked up to break and bending
We're taking shortcuts and false solutions
Just to come out the hero
Well, I can see behind the curtain
(I can see it now)
The wheels are cranking, turning
It's all wrong, the way we're working
Towards a goal that's non-existent
It's not existent, but we just keep believing
And the worst part is
Before it gets any better
We're headed for a cliff
And in the free fall
I will realize I'm better off
When I hit the bottom
I wanna know what it'd be like
To find perfection in my pride
To see nothing in the light
I'll turn it off, in all my spite
In all my spite, I'll turn it off
Just turn it off
Again, again, again
And the worst part is
Before it gets any better
We're headed for a cliff
And in the free fall
I will realize I'm better off
When I hit the bottom
And the worst part is
Before it gets any better
We're headed for a cliff
And in the free fall
I will realize I'm better off
When I hit the bottom
Something else about me: I am usually very chatty, but after the attacks I am so overcome by fear I cannot speak.
Played by Lucian1549:
My Name Is: Rosiel Radomil
I Am This Old: Eighteen years
This Is My Greatest Fear And How It Works: Ghosts
I can see ghosts. People have called me insane, but I know they're there. They haunt me. Some of them are kindly ghosts who try to help me, but many are not. Many try to harm me, and many times have I ended up in the hospital because of the injuries they have inflicted. They can smell my fear. The more scared I am, the more that attack me. My main fear, though, is that they harm other people. When ghosts attack me, they can also injure others. I don't want that to happen!
This Is My Strength And How It Works: Blood
My own blood will chase the demons away. What attracts them also repels them. If I manage to draw a line of blood from the top of their forehead to the tip of their nose, they disappear and are banished to the hell which they came from. Of course, this is only temporary, and they come back. They always come back.
I Look Like This:

I am about five feet, nine inches tall. People have called me skinny, I prefer to say that I am slender, after all, I am a perfectly normal weight. Unlike most guys, I prefer to keep my hair long. It is wavy and a dark blond colour. My eyes are somewhere in between blue and hazel, I'm too lazy to be bothered to find a name for the specific colour. People have said that my face looks feminine, however, I think that's really just because I wear a whole lot of make-up. I know, it's weird for most guys to wear make-up, and that they're usually teased and called gay. But I am gay, so attempting to use that as an insult would make me laugh in your face, and, besides, I like the look make-up gives me. I dress in fairly stylish clothes, although they're usually just black track suits. People say they look elegant on me, though, and that's good enough for me. I am almost always wearing a white choker around my neck, for my own reasons. There are multiple scars on my fingertips and hands from my power. I almost always carry a pocketknife in my pocket just in case the ghosts come back.
Here Are Some Lyrics About Me:
No Time to Cry - Cradle of Filth
It's just a feeling
I get sometimes
A feeling
And I get frightened
Just like you
I get frightened too
But it's
No, no, no
No time for heartache
No, no, no
No time to run and hide
No, no, no
No time for breaking down
No, no, no
No time to cry
Sometimes in the world as is you've
Got to shake the hand that feeds you
It's just like Adam says
It's not so hard to understand
It's just like always coming down on
Just like Jesus never came and
What did you expect to find
It's just like always here again it's
No, no, no
No time for heartache
No, no, no
No time to run and hide
No, no, no
No time for breaking down
No, no, no
No time to cry
Everything will be alright
Everything will turn out fine
Some nights I still can't sleep
And the voices pass with time
And I keep
Everything will be alright
Everything will turn out fine
Some nights I still can't sleep
And the voices pass with time
And I keep
No time for tears
No time to run and hide
No time to be afraid of fear
I keep no time to cry
No, no, no
No time for heartache
No, no, no
No time to run and hide
No, no, no
No time for breaking down
No, no, no
No time to cry.
Destroyed - Within Temptation
I did my best to please you
But my best was never good enough
Somehow you're only able to see
All I am not
Did you ever look behind
Aren't you afraid of the pieces you'll find
I have failed you
But you have failed me too
It's so easy to destroy and condemn
The ones you do not understand
Do you ever wonder if it's justified
It's so easy to destroy and condemn
The ones you do not understand
In your life why didn't you ever try
I close my eyes as I walk the thin line between love and hate
For the person with the same blood in his veins
You show no regrets
About all the things you did or said
I have failed you
But believe me you failed me too
It's so easy to destroy and condemn
The ones you do not understand
Do you ever wonder if it's justified
It's so easy to destroy and condemn
The ones you do not understand
In your life why didn't you ever try
It's so easy to destroy and condemn
The ones you do not understand
Do you ever wonder if it's justified
It's so easy to destroy and condemn
The ones you do not understand
Do you ever wonder if it's justified
Field of Innocence - Evanescence
I still remember the world
From the eyes of a child
Slowly those feelings
Were clouded by what I know now
Where has my heart gone
An uneven trade for the real world
Oh I... I want to go back to
Believing in everything and knowing nothing at all
I still remember the sun
Always warm on my back
Somehow it seems colder now
Where has my heart gone
Trapped in the eyes of a stranger
Oh I... I want to go back to
Believing in everything
Where has my heart gone
An uneven trade for the real world
Oh I... I want to go back to
Believing in everything
Oh, Where
Where has my heart gone
Trapped in the eyes of a stranger
Oh I... I want to go back to
Believing in everything
I still remember.
Haunted - Evanescence
Long lost words whisper slowly to me
Still can't find what keeps me here
When all this time I've been so hollow inside
(I know you're still there)
Watching me and wanting me
I can feel you pull me down
Fearing you, loving you
I won't let you pull me down
Hunting you, I can smell you alive
Your heart pounding in my head
Watching me and wanting me
I can feel you pull me down
Saving me, raping me, watching me
Watching me and wanting me
I can feel you pull me down
Fearing you, loving you
I won't let you pull me down
Something else about me: I refuse to speak about my father. Don't ask me any questions about him. I may have to injure myself purposely to use my power, but don't you dare think I enjoy it in any way.
Played By 2 Minutes Ago:
My Name Is: Aoki Kazuo
I Am This Old: 21
This Is My Greatest Fear And How It Works:
"For as long as I can remember, I've always been agateophobic. It has kept me up many nights as I remember how my brother was, running around and-... well... How do I put this...? He had a certain taste for human flesh. My younger brother was a mentally insane cannibal, having merely begun as a simple curious child. His last act was caught by some civilians who ran away and reported the incident while he was busy feasting and the authorities... to say the least, he took a bullet. What I hate most about this situation isn't the fact that my only sibling was killed or that even when he had such habits, mother refused to allow anyone to know of it.
It was the fact that I was glad he was dead.
He was the epitome of all my fears; insanity. I thought that after 3 years, I would have gotten the memory of him diluted from my mind, but... he just keeps coming back. No matter how many times I lock myself away, no matter how hard I try to hide, he still comes back to remind me.
I don't... I don't want to end up like him. I don't want to be that type of man. Just thinking of the possibility of myself becoming a madness such as he, it terrifies me. This fear of mine...
It in itself is my personal insanity."
This Is My Strength And How It Works: Bone Manipulation
Kazuo has the ability to manipulate the bones in his body and use them for offensive/defensive means. He can reconstruct and mutate the generation of new bone mass, project bones out from his skin and/or rearranging them in order to give his body a new formation.
I Look Like This:

Here Are Some Lyrics About Me: TBA
Something Else About Me: "I have a love for felines. They're just... so fascinating."
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